Bonn, Deutschland | open | Wilde Müllkippe | Einkaufswagen im Bach |  | 6 months ago |
Bonn, Deutschland | open | Wilde Müllkippe | Auch hier wieder die Reste der Sperrmüllablage. |  | 6 months ago |
Bonn, Deutschland | open | Wilde Müllkippe | Es war wieder mal Sperrmüllabholtag. Übrig geblieben sind Monitore, Elektroschrott, Scherben, Verpackung usw. |  | 6 months ago |
Köln / Cologne, Deutschland | open | Defekte Oberfläche | Riesiges Loch auf der Strasse. Hauptstrasse für Schulkinder.... |  | 6 months ago |
Köln / Cologne, Deutschland | open | Defekte Oberfläche | Im oben genannten Bereich liegen die Platten am Gehweg nicht mehr korrekt. |  | 6 months ago |
Köln / Cologne, Deutschland | open | Wilder Müll | |  | 6 months ago |
Brookline, MA | open | Trash/Recycling | Broken glass next to mailbox. Has been there several days. Lots of small shattered pieces that are a hazard to pedestrians children, and pets. |  | 6 months ago |
Brookline, MA | open | Water and Sewer | All three new construction projects on Green Street have at different times hooked up to hydrants for lots of water. Is this standard practice, and do the companies pay for that water? | | 6 months ago |
Bloomington, IN | open | Business | Why was feedback on the mural at 11th & rogers only asked for with simply one design submitted? And to that point, why was feedback submitted not taken? Public sees absolutely no changes to the proposed design and leaves us feeling the same way when the gateway was decided unilaterally at miller park. At least in that instance council stepped in to halt the design. Is the artwork at hopewell going to be treated the same way? Public feedback submitted but has no impact on actual result for our neighborhoods and city? Disappointing. | | 6 months ago |
Köln / Cologne, Deutschland | open | Schrott-Kfz | Bereits mehrfach gemeldet:
E-Leihroller auf dem Gehweg. Fussgänger weichen auf die Fahrbahn aus. | | 6 months ago |