Bloomington, IN Open 5 days

Street & Traffic Signs

My husband and I frequently have to use this intersection to make a U-Turn to go back West on Third street. 99% of the time, people will not yield to the sign that says to yield to the U-turn and/or they run red lights from there or off of westbound 3rd street traffic. We have lost count of the many times we have came extremely close to getting hit and involved in an accident. Just the other day we again attempted, with our green arrow, to make a U-Turn and just when I began, two (both Westbound lanes) ran their red light and went straight; ironically with A State Trooper sitting right beside us! Traffic on W. Third has gotten way out of hand. We have constantly seen vehicles running red lights (many times two at once) not only there but all the way back to the W. Third and 69 bypass intersection along with improper lane changes that nearly hit us. We are scared and stressed to the max each time we go to out. Can someone PLEASE help?