Bloomington, IN Open 7 days


There is an older fellow who consistently comes to the park on a bike with his dog and plays loud, very explicit music on a Bluetooth speaker. I wouldn't really have an issue if there weren't so many kids around that don't need to hear that music aloud. He should wear headphones like everyone else. To give a physical description for better identification, he has long, somewhat greying hair and looks to be in his mid to late 40s. He always wears a backwards baseball cap, sunglasses, a t-shirt, and shorts. The dog is a small to mid size breed, mostly grey with some brown and white spotting. He frequents the tables outside the two dog parks but never actually enters the large or small dog parks. I believe this qualifies as being a public disturbance/nuisance and enough people seem bothered by it that it seems like someone with authority should take action to get him to cease.