Bloomington, IN Open About 1 month
Parking Meters and Citations
Citation #25204400447 issued 2/7/2025 to my vehicle a silver Subaru Forrester for $30.00 indicates that I did not pay to park. I have enclosed my receipt that I, in fact, DID pay $3.50 for up to 9:14 pm and I also have my receipt from Discover card showing payment to Park Mobile starting at 6:14pm for $3.50 but wasn't able to include more than 1 photo. I have other photos of proof, 1 with details that I had paid from 6:14-9:14 but we left around 7:30. Another one sent at 8:59 pm from Park Mobile that my session was about to expire. At that time we were already home. We are elderly and obviously handicapped, please take care of this issue. Contact me at 812-345-5677 if you need further proof that I paid to park. Thank you, Susan Cassell