Bloomington, IN Open About 2 months


There is a fair amount of ice on the trail between 3rd and 4th. I know it may be melted before anyone checks this out, but I wanted to mention it to remind the city that it should comply with its own ordinance. Yesterday I complained about snow on the sidewalk leading to the trail and the overpass on the north side of third. Today the section adjacent to Vectren was fairly clear, and I appreciate that, but not along the closed former motorcycle shop at the corner of 3rd and Madison. I know the city wants to be bicycle and pedestrian friendly, and built the trail to help achieve that goal. But if the trail and the access paths to the trail are not passable, you are falling far short of that goal. The snow stopped ten days ago. Every road has been clear for more than a week, as have parking lots. But the sidewalks still suck. It’s obvious by the city’s actions where its priorities are. Please consider raising the fines for snow removal violations, and sharing the fees with the people who report the violations. . Thank you.