Bloomington, IN Open 28 days

Parks & Playgrounds

Thank you for clearing the path within Reverend Butler Park and most of the sidewalks around the park quickly after the snowfall earlier this month. Please finish the job by clearing the snow from the sidewalk on Fairview Street in the northeast corner of the park, from where the park path meets the Fairview sidewalk north to 10th Street. Snow and ice still covered this portion of the sidewalk as of this morning, January 17, more than ten days after the end of the snowfall. Please note Bloomington Municipal Code section 6.07.010(a) "It shall be the duty of every owner of any premises abutting a sidewalk in all parts of the city to remove, or cause to be removed, all snow and ice from the sidewalk to allow safe and reasonable travel on said sidewalk within twenty-four hours after snow or ice has ceased to fall or in any way accumulate."