Bloomington, IN Open 2 months


Pavilion Properties building elevator permit expired on 10/15/2024. It has not been renewed as per Indiana DHS website (which is publicly accessible and can be accessed if you know the building's address) as of 11:21am on 12/23/2024. I checked it because the doors made loud clunking noises when traversing down, and I had to hit the button multiple times (or hit it extremely hard) in order for it to go up. It should be the apartment complex owner's responsibility to ensure permits are up to date - members of the public shouldn't have to remind them to do this. [I am not a tenant of this building (hence why this is not under the "rental complaint" section), but my friend is, and I noticed that the permit posted in the elevator showed it was expired when I visited him recently. I checked the website to verify.]