Bloomington, IN

Service Requests created during previous 48 hours

EndpointService NameStatusDescriptionMediaRequested At
Bloomington, INopenTemporary Signage w/o permitBlue 'Light the Way' sign possibly in the ROW in the grass.about 12 hours ago
Bloomington, INopenParks & Rec BuildingsThe light inside the Sports announcing booth has been on for years. It’s on all through the night.about 13 hours ago
Bloomington, INopenOtherSoliciting violation: A representative for AT&T rang the doorbell to our home 3 times on 3/24/2025. We have a “NO SOLICITING” sign clearly posted on the front door. The first time we simply ignored him. The second time we politely declined via video doorbell. The third time, my husband finally opened the door to confront him, but was polite. We would appreciate if this company was held accountable.about 14 hours ago
Bloomington, INopenBlocked SidewalkTwo dead branches have now fallen from this tree. One in the winter and now one in March that fell on a car now covering the sidewalkabout 17 hours ago
Bloomington, INopenUnsafe BuildingsThere are homeless people living in makeshift structures in the backyard of this property. There is trash everywhere. There are vehicles everywhere. This needed to be addressed immediately. I don't know if the home is abandoned or what is going on. You can see all of this from the b line trail.about 18 hours ago
Bloomington, INopenTrashThis bag just showed up one day. I can't physically move it by myself, but I think it's on the city's right of way. I'm not sure so that's why I'm filling this out. It's on Watson and Bryan. Pic attached. I tried moving it, but I think it's filled with concrete or sand? It's been there for months. I would move it myself if I could, but it looks like people passing by are now throwing trash into it.about 18 hours ago
Bloomington, INopenExcessive Growthabout 20 hours ago
Bloomington, INopenOtherCan someone take over the 2 open cases for Rebecca Davis that are at this location. Nothing has been done now for several days/weeks and she is on vacation.about 20 hours ago
Bloomington, INclosedDrainage or RunoffThere seems to be a lot of damage to the south wall of the culvert beside this property. Someone should check it out before it collapses. Thank you!about 22 hours ago
Bloomington, INopenCity Construction ProjectsDebris from construction left on either side of 11th street and Indiana ave. Needs cleaned upabout 23 hours ago
Bloomington, INopenTrashI have 2 trash days a week, and last Friday marks the third consecutive time on Friday that our trash was STILL not picked up. Phones are not being answered.about 24 hours ago
Bloomington, INopenSewer Problems (Sanitary Sewers)There are 4 screws missing from this manhole cover. The smell from the sewage is coming up through the holes and it smells terrible.about 24 hours ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairPotholesabout 24 hours ago
Bloomington, INopenOtherWho is responsible for maintaining (or removing) vandalized Ameritech utility boxes? This is one example, but they litter the landscape all over the city.1 day ago
Bloomington, INopenDebris Removal (Sand, General Street Debris)Debree from construction left on either side of 11th street and Indiana ave. Needs cleaned up1 day ago
Bloomington, INopenTrailsDebris is starting to collect under bridge over New Trail Spur to Bloomington Rail Trail1 day ago
Bloomington, INopenTrashWe have an issue where either our trash cans have been stolen or misplaced both the regular trash can and the recycling are missing from our property.1 day ago
Bloomington, INopenLine of SightOwner of the building (Fox) was alerted of sheet metal flying off his roof yesterday and has left this large sharp piece of metal in the public alleyway. It’s still here today1 day ago
Bloomington, INopenTrashTrash everywhere. Appears to be the remnants of an encampment but nothing has been done to remove/remediate the trash for the last 6 months.2 days ago
Bloomington, INopenTrashThis house ha excessive trash all over the back yard facing the B line (some bagged, some loose, piles of pallets, old mattresses, etc.) There also appear to be at least two groups of people camping/squatting on the property, while the back windows of the house have "KEEP OUT, NO TRESPASSING" signs. It's an eye sore and a safety hazard.2 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairAs you head north on Sare Rd from Roher, there are several large potholes along the road for a mile or so all the way up to the Roger’s traffic circle. There’s a huge hole with cones around it in the middle of this, so I assume that giant hole is already on your radar.2 days ago
Bloomington, INopenDrainage or RunoffStorm water drain is clogged causing large “pond” of water on the north side of Atwater and potentially a storm runoff problem for property owners that could lead to flooding basements.2 days ago
Bloomington, INopenBlocked StreetStorm water drain is clogged causing large “pond” of water on the north side of Atwater and potentially a storm runoff problem for property owners that could lead to flooding basements.2 days ago
Bloomington, INopenTraffic SignalsTiming of the light seems to be off. Heading south on S Sare Rd the green light lasted at most 10 seconds. Only 4 cars made it through. Happened both this afternoon around 4pm and this evening at 8pm.3 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairThe speed bumps have not been painted. It has been weeks. It is hard to see some of the bumps.3 days ago
Bloomington, INopenYard WasteHowever and madison. Lodge never cleaned up their sidewalk3 days ago
Bloomington, INopenTrashThe Trash Bin has one side of hinges that are damaged. We think this happened when the crane arm dropped it back down, because we came home and the trash can was on the ground broken on its side. Would we be able to get a replacement so we don't get tagged for it later?3 days ago
Bloomington, INopenWater Utility ProblemsNO water pressure!!!!3 days ago
Bloomington, INopenWater Utility Billing ProblemsMy water bill and sewer bill have tripled in price over the last 2 months. Please look into this3 days ago
Bloomington, INopenTrailsPlease do not use pesticides in our parks and greenways. This makes them unsafe for children and pets and anyone else.4 days ago
Bloomington, INopenSidewalk & Curb ComplaintsPesticides on a greenway? Seems contradictory? How safe is this for children walking home from school? Dogs going to the park to play? People walking and cycling down Allen St? No chemicals please!!4 days ago
Bloomington, INopenDrainage or RunoffUtilities Department sprayed unknown "pre-treat" chemical on storm water rain garden on Allen St. No notice to adjacent property owners was made. No signage. No posting of what was used. When I confronted them they said it was "not bad". Samuel Arthur, Green Infrastructure Crew" was onsite. Please consult other City departments that do NOT treat with chemicals and manage gardens just fine.4 days ago
Bloomington, INopenStreet TreesA tree was downed on Wednesday due to the high winds. It has also taken down cables from the neighboring apartment building - which may hazardous. Additionally, the fallen limb is blocking both sidewalk area and private parking.4 days ago
Bloomington, INopenSewer Problems (Storm Sewers)2 Storm drains full of sand4 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairHello, I’m writing concerning a little stretch of S. Rose Ave that could use some new asphalt. It looks like the road bed was laid down at some point, but never got completely finished. Easiest to see from an overhead view (attached). Vehicles turning south on Rose Ave are always coming off the road at the corner and churning up the gravel and grass on the verge. It’s pretty unsightly. I don't know when S. Rose is due for a new surface (S. Anita got one a year or two ago), but is there any chance of having that section cleaned up when it does? Sincerely, Michael Powell 904 S. Rose Ave Bloomington4 days ago
Bloomington, INopenTrashtrash piling up 1120 N Fairview, homeless encampment4 days ago
Bloomington, INopenWebsite & Web Services FeedbackWarrant4 days ago
Bloomington, INopenTrashDriving North on Walnut Street from the 45/46 bypass to the I69 entrance ramp. There is a lot of trash and debris on both sides of the street. Especially bad between 45/46 bypass to the stop light at N Old IN 37. Also in the area are a lot of dead tree debris and brush. Can this area please get picked up? Thank you5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairThere's a hole in the road next to the sidewalk, just South of the intersection of Lincoln & Wilson Streets, on the West side of the street. It's been there since the crew was installing cable a couple of months ago. It's a hazard!5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenStreet & Traffic SignsMy husband and I frequently have to use this intersection to make a U-Turn to go back West on Third street. 99% of the time, people will not yield to the sign that says to yield to the U-turn and/or they run red lights from there or off of westbound 3rd street traffic. We have lost count of the many times we have came extremely close to getting hit and involved in an accident. Just the other day we again attempted, with our green arrow, to make a U-Turn and just when I began, two (both Westbound lanes) ran their red light and went straight; ironically with A State Trooper sitting right beside us! Traffic on W. Third has gotten way out of hand. We have constantly seen vehicles running red lights (many times two at once) not only there but all the way back to the W. Third and 69 bypass intersection along with improper lane changes that nearly hit us. We are scared and stressed to the max each time we go to out. Can someone PLEASE help?5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenWater Utility ProblemsTurn my water on5 days ago
Bloomington, INclosedPotholes, Other Street RepairThis railroad crossing is in really bad shape and a ton of traffic flows on this road daily. Are there any plans to fix this issue?5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairLast year reported MULTIPLE neighborhood. When they came to our culdesac, they filled 1/2 of the hole in front of my drive and ran out of filler. They said they would be back, AND NEVER CAME BACK. Today, they went thru my neighborhood and never even came down my culdesac. It's getting to the point that all of Yellowwood Court needs repaved. But at least come and fill in the holes. That is one of the things I agree to pay taxes on.5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenParks & PlaygroundsJust curious if any State/County/City agency or legislative body bans smoking outdoors in public parks by statute/ordinance/regulation. Specifically, there is a cigar-smoker (loud, older, possibly un-housed) who often sits on a bench near the NW corner of People's Park about 11am and smokes a cigar that can be smelled by anyone who walks through the park and even across the street at the bagel shop. Just wondering if he could be asked to smoke where other people are not forced to smell it.5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairPotholes and edge of pavement issues on Weimer rd. Bloomfield to Tapp5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairPotholes on Allen Dr. from Patterson to Bloomfield rd5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenTrashHomeless camp trash in city green space5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenOtherLimb fell in backyard and brought down a utility wire that is now hanging close to the alley. Not an electrical line - looks like communication. Not sure if this is a City issue or not, but the landlord (Parker Rentals) doesn't keep up properties, so it will just hang there until someone trips over it in the dark.5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenAbandoned VehicleThis car has been abandoned here for several months now- not moving, tires flat, not plated/ registered5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenAbandoned VehicleThis car has been abandoned here for several months now- not moving, tires flat, not plated/ registered5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenAbandoned VehicleThis car has been abandoned here for several weeks5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenAbandoned VehicleThis car has been abandoned here for several weeks, it is not plated or registered and is not approved with our community.5 days ago
Bloomington, INclosedTraffic Related Complaints2nd time this week: While traveling west on west first, there is nobody directing traffic around the work being completed for Hopewell neighborhood. One lane of traffic is being blocked, without assistance directing traffic.5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenBlocked StreetHello: Could you send a crew over to remove a fallen branch that is partially blocking the street on East Reed Court in Hyde Park. It is possible for cars to get through the street but the fall branch is blocking more than half the street thanks in advance....dave pisoni 812 327-3247...5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenCity PerformanceThe trash pickup truck just went by my street, picking up trash notmally. But the truck was playing loud music filled with obscenities and violent language. My young kids enjoy watching the trash pickup - please instruct trash pickup personnel to stop blasting inappropriate music to everyone on my street right away. Thanks, Daniel Cueto5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenCity PerformanceThe trash pickup truck just went by my street, picking up trash notmally. But the truck was playing loud music filled with obscenities and violent language. My young kids enjoy watching the trash pickup - please instruct trash pickup personnel to stop blasting inappropriate music to everyone on my street right away. Thanks, Daniel Cueto5 days ago
Bloomington, INclosedPotholes, Other Street RepairThere's an annoying pothole on Woodlawn between Sheridan and Southdowns.5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenStreet & Traffic SignsThis evening it looked like the street name signs for Woodlawn and Sheridan, on the northeast corner of the intersection, was on the ground in the grass.5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenStreet & Traffic SignsThis evening it looked like the street name signs for Woodlawn and Sheridan, on the northeast corner of the intersection, was on the ground in the grass.5 days ago
Bloomington, INopenWebsite & Web Services FeedbackI cannot get my reports to submit. It has an error code at least half of the time.6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairSmall pothole that is getting larger. Intersection of Rosewood and Ironwood, south of Rosewood in the middle of Ironwood.6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairThere is pothole on eastbound Allen St before Adams St.6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairThere is pothole on eastbound Dodds St in the crosswalk at the intersection of Rogers St.6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenStreet & Traffic SignsIndiana Ave stop sign for both lanes 4th & Indiana. Same at Kirkwood. But only on right side at 7th. I was in right lane other night guy in left lane blew through at speed. Could have been bad. If you don't have stop sign who is wrong?6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenStreet & Traffic Signs17th cross walk in front of Alumni Hall west bound stop for people in cross walk sign is fade and can't be seen . East bound sign is gone. Can't take of what you got. So you want more?6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenTrashHomeless trash and small camp6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenTrashHomeless trash and small camp6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenTrashHomeless thrash along the fence nd homeless camp there6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenStreet & Traffic Signsstreet light out north east 17th and Fee Lane Duke told me city light. Out for some time this is safety issue alot of students6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenStreet LightsStreet light on south west side by car lot is out . Walnut and Grimes Lane been out some time. Duke told me it is city light6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenTemporary Signage w/o permitUnclear what "Signs removed again" means in the response to case #201508. The signs are still there - bright orange, "stop-sign"-shaped signs on wooden stakes. They are trashy. This has been going on for years. Property is managed by long-time Bloomington firm that rents apartments in tacky, motel-like apartment buildings, at one time referred to as "Plantations". days ago
Bloomington, INopenTrashHomeless encampment and piles of trash in the yard6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairPothole in front of Goldcasters6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenDrainage or RunoffNew apartments being build with very poor drainage caused new flooding on park square drive at enterence of complex. Never had flooding in the area before and water runs right down new enterence into drain that is being clogged with mud from construction and is not big enough for area. Flooding caused many new potholes on said road.6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairConstruction of new apartments caused rain to pool on road ( very poor drainage at new site) and many new large potholes along park square drive. Also, flooding occurred during rains that has never happened before at entrance to new apartments under construction.6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenTemporary Signage w/o permitFlag signs tall blowing about near road. Salvation Army6 days ago
Bloomington, INopenOtherDetached large limb hanging over the road from tree in the devil strip in front of 708 W 7th st.7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenBus Services (Bloomington Transit)Bus 2493 at approximately 19.20 cut me off and refused to yield right away. The driver was pulling away from the curb and I was on a fully illuminated bicycle. Please forward to BPD for warning and counseling.7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenOtherThere is an older fellow who consistently comes to the park on a bike with his dog and plays loud, very explicit music on a Bluetooth speaker. I wouldn't really have an issue if there weren't so many kids around that don't need to hear that music aloud. He should wear headphones like everyone else. To give a physical description for better identification, he has long, somewhat greying hair and looks to be in his mid to late 40s. He always wears a backwards baseball cap, sunglasses, a t-shirt, and shorts. The dog is a small to mid size breed, mostly grey with some brown and white spotting. He frequents the tables outside the two dog parks but never actually enters the large or small dog parks. I believe this qualifies as being a public disturbance/nuisance and enough people seem bothered by it that it seems like someone with authority should take action to get him to cease.7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairCurb has caused multiple flat tires because it's a tight turn with sun in eyes in the evening, cars turning off disregard the stop sign, and people park on the street nearby making it a pain to get an angle to avoid the curb. Curb is sharp and punctures tires.7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenUtilities ConstructionDriveway was cut to access water leak and gravel was placed in the trench. It has sunk in to the point that I cannot access my garage. The driveway needs to be appropriately repaired. There was no issue with the line running to my house. This is urgent as I have mobility issues and need to park inside my garage.7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenTemporary Signage w/o permit'Affordable Sprayfoam' sign almost in what looks like the gutter.7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairPothole right by the light. In one of the old drains that was filled in.7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairLots of grit and gravel in the road7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairPotholes7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairPotholes in both lanes in front of the car dealership7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenOtherThis pond scum was not present from 2019 until this year. Regency multi family purchased the land about 2 years ago. Concerned about lawn chemicals and fertilizers in this retention pond which feeds into creek along creek’s edge drive. A Beaver lives here in the past and a rare Duck. Watershed area please enact protective ordinances within 1 mile of Jackson Creek East fork. Minnows & crawdads in Creek7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenLeaf CollectionNeighbor across the street is cutting down some sort of tall plant every year and it all blows across the road onto my property which I have to clean up7 days ago
Bloomington, INclosedTrashTrash bags piled up on the ground against the NW corner of this house, visible from street.7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenScooters, Bike-share and Related IssuesThere is a Bird scooter in the street. It has been there almost a week.7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenCity Construction ProjectsConstruction for hopewell neighborhood: driving west between rogers and walker. Today is the 3rd time there is a team working without a flagger directing traffic in the street. The work is being done with a bobcat of some kind blocking one lane immediately before a hill, where you cannot see oncoming traffic. I’ve called twice about this already. Thank you!7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenPotholes, Other Street RepairThere are a few bad potholes on North Walnut Street7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenLine of SightThe speed bumps along Countryside Lane are very difficult to see at night, all have little to no reflective strips. During the day the speed bumps are still difficult to see as they are the same color as the road. Please provide proper markings, this could cause damage to cars that did not see the bump and could not slow down in time to safely cross.7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenBlocked StreetConstruction for hopewell neighborhood: driving west between rogers and walker. Today is the 3rd time there is a team working without a flagger directing traffic in the street. The work is being done with a bobcat of some kind blocking one lane immediately before a hill, where you cannot see oncoming traffic. I’ve called twice about this already. Thank you!7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenStreet LightsFew days ago I was driving in my neighborhood (East Laurelwood drive) and found some street lights are not working. Sorry I could not identify the exact ones. To find out that I have to go in the night! Please make sure that all the street lights in Winslow farm housing addition is in working condition. Many of us are elderly people living in this neighborhood. I think the city is maintaining the lights in our area7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenWater Utility ProblemsKenda Griffith warrant for illegally shutting my water off7 days ago
Bloomington, INopenCity PerformanceThe city council phone number listed on (812-349-3409) is completely unreachable. Any time I call I get immediately disconnected, with a busy signal, and no option to leave a voicemail. I hope this is a simple oversight. The page for the common council literally says that the council is supposed to be a link between the citizens of Bloomington and their government. I have tried emailing my councilperson and not gotten a response there either. I was told by Mayor Thomson's husband when he came canvassing at my house before the election that she wanted to make it easier for residents to communicate with their government. This seems like an easy place to start.8 days ago
Bloomington, INopenSewer Problems (Sanitary Sewers)A sewage like smell coming from the west sidewalk of the 730 building by the N Walnut St, it happens every evenings around 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. and sometimes in the midnight. The smell usually last for 1 - 5 minutes and appears again in every other 30 minutes. I'm a resident here. By verbal communication, three other residents here also confirmed that they've found the similar smell. They also mentioned the smell like "restaurant". Please let us know if there're actions we could take.8 days ago
Bloomington, INopenDrainage or RunoffWe had an ice buildup issue in the last deep freeze we’ve never seen before on 3rd st. Not even from the first deep freeze. Water runs from the location and house I tagged all the way down to 4th street and hasn’t stopped even as everything else has dried up post rain. Not sure if it’s a house issue or pipe issue but figured worth noting.8 days ago
Service NameDescription
Debris Removal (Sand, General Street Debris)Report issues involving the removal of sand and other debris off city streets.
Excessive GrowthReport overgrown yards
GraffitiReport graffiti on public or private structures
Leaf CollectionReport issues with City leaf collection
RecyclingReport issues related to City of Bloomington recycling collection
TrashReport trash being where it does not belong or issues with City of Bloomington trash collection
Yard WasteReport issues related to City of Bloomington yard waste pickup
Biking & WalkingReport issues related to bicycling or walking in Bloomington
Blocked SidewalkReport a sidewalk that has been blocked.
Blocked StreetReport a street or alley that has been blocked from access.
Bus Services (Bloomington Transit)Services provided by Bloomington Transit
Close CallsReport near collisions involving bicyclists or pedestrians. This information will be used to help identify hazardous locations
Inaccessible ParkingReport issues with public parking for people with disabilities.
Parking GaragesReport issues with city parking garages
Parking Meters and CitationsReport issues related to parking citations. This is not a way to appeal a citation.
Parking on Unimproved SurfaceReport vehicles continually parked in the grass or other surfaces not prepared for vehicle use
Parking PermitsReport issues with City-issued parking permits
Potholes, Other Street RepairReport potholes and other issues involving streets in need of repair.
Scooters, Bike-share and Related IssuesReport problems with scooters, bikeshare and related transportation services.
Sidewalk & Curb ComplaintsReport hazardous sidewalks and curbs
Sidewalk RequestsRequest a new sidewalk
Sidewalk Snow RemovalReport issues involving snow on public sidewalks
Street & Traffic SignsReport problems related to street signs and traffic signs.
Street LightsDuke Energy maintains street lights in Bloomington. Please report street light outages here:
Street Snow RemovalReport issues involving snow removal of roads within the City of Bloomington.
Street TreesTree care requests for trees in right of way
Taxi ComplaintsReport issues with taxi cabs
Traffic Related ComplaintsReport concerns about dangerous traffic situations including faulty or missing equipment
Traffic SignalsReport an issue or request new traffic signal
Traffic SuggestionsMake a request for the Traffic division including new traffic markings and equipment
Parks & PlaygroundsReport issues related to public spaces maintained by the City of Bloomington Parks & Recreation Department.
Parks & Rec BuildingsReport issues related to buildings maintained by the City of Bloomington Parks & Recreation Department.
Parks & Rec ProgramsReport issues related to Parks and Recreation Department programs
TrailsReport issues related to trails maintained by the Parks & Recreation Department
Abandoned VehicleReport an abandoned vehicle on public or private property.
Animal Control & Neglected PetsReport animal-related issues including animal abuse, stray animals or dead animal removal.
City Construction ProjectsReport issues related to construction projects of the Bloomington Public Works Department
Fire HazardsReport potential fire hazards
Line of SightReport sight and visibility issues along public streets
Unsafe BuildingsReport a building or structure in an impaired structural condition that makes it unsafe to a person or property.
Utility Construction ProjectsReport issues related to construction projects of the Bloomington Utilities Department
Drainage or RunoffReport a storm water drainage or runoff issue
Illicit Discharge (Storm Sewers)Report illicit pollution into a storm drain
Sewer Problems (Sanitary Sewers)Report issues involving the sewage systems of residences and businesses
Sewer Problems (Storm Sewers)Report issues involving public storm sewers
Utilities ConstructionReport issues with construction for projects of the City of Bloomington's Utilities Department
Utilities YardworkReport issues with yardwork performed by the City of Bloomington Utilities Department
Water QualitySubmit comments on the City of Bloomington's water quality
Water Utility Billing ProblemsReport issues with billing services for City of Bloomington Utilities Department
Water Utility ProblemsReport issues involving Cit of Bloomington water utilities
Accessibility ProblemReport public facilities where accessibility is difficult for people with disabilities
BusinessProvide feedback to the City on a business-related issue
City PerformanceReport issues, comments or concerns about the City of Bloomington's performance in serving the public.
Food Truck IssuesIssues related to Food Trucks, including but not limited to location violations, cleanliness, safety, noise, etc.
OtherMisc issues
Report issues with BIRD scootersReport issues with BIRD scooters
Report issues with Lime scootersReport issues with Lime scooters
Smoking ViolationReport smoking in public places in violation of Bloomington's Smoking Ordinance
Temporary Signage w/o permitPlanning Violation
Website & Web Services FeedbackReport issues and suggestions involving the website, and other City web services and web apps.
Wildlife ConflictReport problematic interactions with wildlife. For sick or aggressive animals contact the shelter directly at 812-349-3492
Nuisance Lights
Request a new Street LightRequest a new Street Light
Report issues with Veo Scooters
GIS Issue
Debris Cleanup (Storm Tree & Organic Debris)Debris cleanup request for 6/25 storm debris (tree limbs). Provide your street address using the map for cleanup.
Rental ComplaintTenant complaints about rental properties -- PLEASE NOTE: the uReport system indicates that you may submit your complaint anonymously. While this is true for most issues reported to the City, rental complaints are an exception. You must provide your contact information so HAND can follow up and properly investigate the reported violations. At the time of the inspection, the complainant must be available to sign a complaint form.